Kushtrim Junuzi

Engineering leader with 15 years experience focused on people, product and value creation for customers and shareholders. Designed, created and managed end-to-end software at scale from spec, prototype, delivery and operations.

I have a determined entrepreneurial spirit constantly involved in idea creation and scaling of new technologies and creative solutions. I believe in hands-on involvement and building a spirit of ownership and excellency.



Ident-A-Kid, Florida - Chief Information Officer (CIO) | Jan 2022 - present (1yr)

Ident-A-Kid, Florida - Senior Software Engineer | Aug 2015 - Jan 2022 (6yrs, 5mos)

TrendBiz, Kosovo - Software Engineer | Oct 2006 - Aug 2015 (8yrs 11mos)

InterAdria, Kosovo - Senior Software Engineer | Jul 2008 - Jul 2013 (5yrs, 1mo)


South East European University (SEEU), North Macedonia